Insignificant when compared to the radio and TV shows
7 September 2006
I will not involve myself in the debate over the socio-political implications of "Amos n' Andy." My opinion will not change anyone else's mind, and no one will change mine by using the term "racist." I feel the latter term is thrown around so much today that it has lost almost all meaning.

The "Amos n' Andy" radio show held legions of fans for decades. The TV show is fondly remembered by tens of thousands who were lucky enough to see it. The reason for this is simple; they made people laugh. This movie, however, is a very poor example of the character's work.

The main thrust of the plot is an uninteresting love triangle between a wealthy heiress, her jerk of a rich boyfriend and an old flame who has lost his wealth and is seeking to reclaim it. Although the movie is a comedy, none of these three characters are in any way funny. Amos n' Andy are secondary characters in the story. This is the first blow to the story. Amos, Andy and the Kingfish carried their own stories for years, why should they play second fiddle to people we care nothing about? To make it worse, Amos n' Andy's involvement in the plot is painfully contrived. The plots of the radio and TV shows were smooth and sensible (for a comedy). They worked because they did not have to be forced. The plot of this movie, by contrast, seemed forced every step of the way.

Copies of the Amos n' Andy radio and TV shows are available for sale. If one is willing to track them down they will provide a clear picture of why the characters were so successful. This movie, by contrast, should be left to those who feel the need to own everything with the Amos n' Andy name on it.
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