Very good !
6 September 2006
As a Puertorican raised in Chicago, "por la Division" I certainly can identify with the documentary. Some people, especially from mainland Puerto Rico may consider it offensive or distorted, but for us, those who were raised in New York or Chicago, prior to the new Puertorican boom exodus to Miami and Orlando that came in the late 1980's, we can tell, we have lived that we have suffered that, not to mention our parents and ancestors. Myself, I was victim of more discrimination from mainland Puertoricans when I returned as a child to the Island than the one I already experienced in Chicago. Gringo, jincho, etc were among the nice compliments I got from the mainlanders.

Newyoricans, Chicagoricans, we have something in common and it is our pride in our ancestry and heritage.

The part of visiting cousins you have never seen brought fond memories. The documentary presents a relatively unknown aspect of Puertorican history, especially the discrimination against independentist, documented experiments performed on women and radiation exposure to inmates and the awful living conditions that our ancestors had to endure in New York living in slums resembling those that many Italian immigrants experienced during the 1910's. Something's are better not said, but this kind of thing must be denounced. For those of my paisanos who live in LALAland, this documentary is not for you. For those who want to learn and research a little bit more, this is a good starting point.

Bravo Rosie!
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