laughably stupid threadbare plot
5 September 2006
An incurable addicted-to-speed young racer, Lucas Black, escapes to Tokyo to avoid jail after repeated arrests for racing. He joins his father, (who is estranged from his mother), in Tokyo where he runs into problems with other local race-aholics. The young American vies for the attention of gal who is linked to local Japanese racer, and the two rivals for affection eventually butt heads. This is the extent of plot you get in this tire-screeching, attitude and hormone churning, low-brow flick, where almost every character seems to be suffering from some form of personality disorder, or is just plain stupid. Somehow, in spite of a glaring lack of insight or smarts, the protagonist, a refugee from high school "shop" classes where he learned to work on cars, seems to master the Japanese language effortlessly. The Japanese characters in the flick are equally repulsive, or more so, as most are no more than thugs, with our hero's Japanese rival wrapped up in a Yakuza (Mafia) family. The movie is just a "loser to bruiser" story, as the young American masters the Japanese racing style, with flashy fast cars providing the backdrop for our hero's transformation. The movie does offer a generous supply of laughs, but I don't think that's what the director and company had intended.
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