Idiocracy (2006)
Suhrvivul uv the fiddist
2 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
(Since at this point there has been no publicity for this movie, about anything I say is a spoiler, so read at your own risk.)

Wow! I haven't laughed this hard all the way through a movie in a long time. As of right now (Sept 1), I have seen absolutely no publicity for this movie, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. Mike Judge did not disappoint me.

This movie was intelligently stupid. If you liked Team America, you should enjoy this as well. I think that Mike Judge lovers from Beavis to Office Space will also enjoy this movie. Be prepared for quite a bit of language, but understand that it is making fun of gratuitous profanity.

For one thing, it is perhaps the most witty forecast for the future I think I've seen. In a democracy, majority rules. The problem with that is that if the majority is a bunch of imbeciles, they are going to make imbecilic decisions. The prologue to the movie had me rolling. It compares the mentality of the intelligentsia vis a vis the mentality of the... er... trailer trash in regards to producing offspring. The white collar couple is very "careful" about having a kid, so careful they don't end up having a kid at all. On the other hand, the trailer trash basically cannot hiccup without producing a kid. It was a hilarious intro to the movie that really set the stage for the rest of the movie as a hysterical event.

The humor on the surface level may appear extremely low-brow, but what makes it so funny is that it is actually making fun of the abyss to which our humor can drop.

I was impressed with the acting. The tendency, it seems, is to over-act when your "playing dumb" in a movie, but the actors in this movie did a fantastic job of not over-acting their dumbness. Was particularly impressed with Dax Shepard, who could have very easily been not as funny as he was.

I remember the ending seemed kind of weak, but it may have just been because I was tired of seeing Luke Wilson (not my favorite). Definitely worth seeing!
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