Review of Carrie

Carrie (1976)
Superb Movie, this is how horror should be!
29 August 2006
When we think of horror, we think of "slasher". We think of Ghostface running around stabbing people, and we "Whats New", or of Leatherface, swinging his Chainsaw into the sunset, and we think "Thats Campy" or of Jason haunting the camp he died at, and we think "Well, thats nothing new!". But, then we see Carrie, and we think "!"

Carrie, directed by the wonderful, talented Brain DePalmer, was actually a book, by, Stephen King. With these two minds at work, how could we not get something totally incredible? Carrie, isn't just another horror movie. It is a old idea, finally brought to the screen for millions to watch. The reason it is so good is because it is done so perfect, and it is done so delicately, and mad to tenderly...that the finishing product throws a movie at you that you didn't expect.

Carrie, is our typical high-school misfit. She is mad fun of bye the lots of peers (the popular kids?) and the ones that don't make fun of her, probably are the ones spreading the nasty rumors. To make matters worse, the place were everyone should feel safe, her home, is just another living nightmare, making school a warm-up for her. She lives with a religious fanatic mother, who has her fare share of problems as well. All along, Chris Hargenson, accompanied with her boyfriend Billy Nolen, have a deadly surprise waiting for Carrie, and the most important night of her life...that will change everything, forever! But what everyone doesn't know, is that she has powers to move things!

Now, after reading that dry, one dimensional summary, you might not think it is that good, but you must watch the movie, the you will know.

What makes this movie great is it isn't just a horror movie, but a drama...the interactions between everyone, the good that people do, that only ends up causing more chaos. How truly evil people can really be, and...making the unbelievable, believable. Carrie has so many levels and hidden things, you might want to watch three times to really see it for what it is worth, not just a horror, but almost the study of humans...of course, it is very scary, indeed. You might also want to bring a pillow...just in case.

The movie fast-paced, but wonderful telling of Carries life, just sets the tone. Starring Sisspy Spacek, who does a job nobody else could do with the role of Carrie, really will make you think. It also stars Piper Laurie, queen of the stage, playing Carries crazy mother. Her performance is done with so much power, it will make you shiver. Meanwhile, the rest of the cast does a wonderful job, and keeps you on your feet with Betty Buckly, Nancy Allen, who does a wonderful job portraying your classic, high-school bully, Amy Irving, as the kind-hearted, but misguided, Sue Snell, William Katt, as Tommy, Sues kind-hearted boyfriend, Jon Travolter, as Billy, and PJ Soles, who always shines no matter what role she is playing.

Watch Carrie today!
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