Evil Aliens (2005)
Gore Mongral Movie Review: Evil Aliens
28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is it the movie that a lot of people have been hyping as the second coming of the splatter comedy genre and Id have to say that for the most part they are right!! Evil Aliens is a Splatterfest of a good time for those that are down with movies like "Bad Taste" and "Dead Alive". I feel that of all the splatter horror movies "Bad Taste" best describes what this movie is close to. So if you liked that you kind of know what you are getting into.

Anyway back to the review. Aliens have come down and "apparently" made a back hills girl pregnant. A Weekly World News style TV series has gotten wind of this and with its host (played by the delicious Emily Booth) and some other film crew and paranormal types as well as a few ham actors to spice up there performance, set out to film the girl and reenact the incident. What they do not plan on however is the Aliens returning back to cause more havoc.

Other than the intro (which gives us a truly interesting take on an anal probing) the movie may not appear to get more gory than its first sequences after the first 30 to 40 minutes in. However once it gets past its lull this movie kicks out the gore in buckets. The effects are handled very well and, for the most part, the eyesore of the movie industry,CGI, has been handled a lot better than in most major movie release..sad really as this was made with a fraction of what they have to work with!! The only parts that really didn't work well for me was the flying alien probe machines that were CGI..they just looked to computerized and didn't look right in the truck chasing sequence in the film but at least it was tolerable.

On the gore scale this movie is up there and it does take it's shots at famous horror and sci-fi movie quotes pretty deliberately and the humor is not as forced as my previous review "Cemetery Gates" however saying that, some of the humor went over my head as apparently unless your from England you may not get it. Did it detract from the movie, slightly, as I felt like the guy who just didn't get the punchline on several occasions and some of the humor in certain scenes were just not funny (one part in particular involved a UFO fanatic and his own homemade crop circle sign) However when I got it, and the humor made since, there were some funny parts and lets not forget the universal language of laughs "Splatstick" which had me laughing my sick little head at the screen on more than one occasion.

In conclusion will this movie make you forget about Jackson's Unholy Trinity of Bad Taste, Dead Alive and Meet the Feebles, No, but what it is is an example of one of the better Splatstick films you can get your hands on. There is only a few that I would rate as worthy splatter flick and this is one of them. So for my final score I give Evil Aliens a: 7/10: Good film only other Splatstick films that worked better for me are the Jackson movies and Evil Dead 2, and its dead on with Permutos. I have been hoping to have another movie added to this elite bunching and I can honestly say this will be one of them. Though some of the humor is hit and miss when it gets to the gruel it lets it fly and has a fun time doing it...Enjoy!!! Some may be waiting for the Image release of this film which is slated for a January 2007 release. If you own a Region free and Format free player, port this sucker. It has no extras save for some crappy trailers for some gay films. Also though the DVD has a widescreen version it is unfortunately not anamorphic. The movie alone however is still worth the pick up.

I bought mine from devotedvd.com however X-ploited Cinema now has this up for sale on their site, its under $20 as well. Splatter fans may do well to get this ASAP!!! Jake West I salute you!!! Until next time Pygmies remember if you fighting Aliens never turn your back as you may get a suppository the size of a tree rammed up your keaster...Close Encounter of the Third Kind Style!!! I'm Out!!!
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