Gore Mongral Movie Review: One Dark Night
28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One Dark Night stars Meg Tilly (not to be confused with Jennifer "Jawsome Funbags" Tilly who is her sister by the way) as a high school girl just wanting to fit in with the "elite sisterhood" of here high school (which consists of only 3 girls, yeah thats what I call elite) in order to be the 4th member she has to stay the night in a Mausoleum which so happens to be the location a recently deceased master of telekinesis is going to make his return from the grave.

One Dark Night, Mausoleum what ever you want to call it (check out IMDb it has a load of alternate titles) is never to boring but never overly entertaining either. Besides the Frat storyline we are also introduced to the Telekinesis Master's daughter who apparently discovers from one of her fathers assistance that she may have his powers as well. Top that with Adam (nanananananananabatman)West as the husband who is the pessimist and a finale with the daughter, the frat girls and Meg Tilly taking on telekinesis enhanced corpses (you heard me right they are not real zombies just floating meat bags) and the Master who is returning from the dead and you get a gre...... no and average time.

This film is not going to win any awards for top 10 greatest horror movies but it will not be at the bottom either. It is rather lightweight as far as the gore as really other than a few nasty floating corpses nothing really stood out to me as nasty or repulsive.

In conclusion One Dark Night which this year got the 2 disc Special Edition treatment from Shriek Show ends up being one of those films a lot of people remember seeing as a kid, renting from their local Video Den and thinking how great it was. However upon another viewing 20 + years later it ends up not being as good but yet not total garbage. In the end One Dark Night gets a : 5/10 Average, not a bad movie just not a great one either. This is a filler movie if I've ever seen one for the rabid horror fan to have in their collection. It will however not be a stand out title just another descent flick to every now and then throw in to show to those nostalgic horror fans and friends who are looking for those old Video Den thrills they got as a kid.

That's it for now until next time peace out my Pygmies and just remember this tip: If you are in a fraternity and you are to spend the night in a Mausoleum make sure you check the residence list before staying.
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