Review of Threshold

Threshold (2005–2006)
They're here. Who Cares?
28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The premise for this show was intriguing but somehow never grabbed my ongoing interest. Admittedly, I only watched the pilot and the following episode, but by the end of that episode (Blood of the Children) I wasn't interested in learning any more. I can't think why there was no chemistry here. Several top notch actors (Peter Dinklage, Carla Guigino, Brent Spiner and Charles Dutton are all major players),and a lot of high power talent formerly associated with Star Trek (Andre Bormanis and Brannon Braga for starters) are associated with this. The premise is good - aliens try to take over by re-writing our DNA - but they go about it in such a silly way. If I was going to take over the planet, I'd be running my little light show over Times Squares on New Year's Eve, not to a 13 crew member ship in the middle of the ocean. It was just ... boring.
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