I Love Lucy: Visitor from Italy (1956)
Season 6, Episode 5
Lucy sends Italian friend to San Francisco instead of friend Francesca
26 August 2006
An Italian fellow shows up at the Ricardo apartment to say hello because he was told by Ricky and Lucy and Fred and Ethyl to say hello if he was ever in New York. None of the 4 recognize him but realize he is Italian by his accent and he must be from their European trip. Finally they realize who he is and he shows them a piece of paper as he is trying to find his brother. Lucy reads the note and send his brother is in San Francesco. The guy want to know if he can walk there? He is told 'no'! He shows that he has ten dollars. They tell him he needs at least $60 just for the fare out there. They all offer to give him the money to go. Fred agrees very languidly. The fellow does not want money for free and he is willing to work for it. He gets a job at Ricky's nightclub where he smashes and ruins many items. Then he gets another job at a pizza place and gets fired and Lucy takes his place. The boss there hollers at Lucy when Ricky is there. Lucy's pizza boss and Ricky get into an argument and the pizza oven is burning. The Italian guy leaves for San Francisco and the fare and all the damages cost Ricky almost $250. After Ricky drops the Italian guy off at the depot and arrives home there is a knock at the door. It is the Italian fellows brother. It turns out he was never in San Francisco but at Francesca's place because she was ill. So the Italian visitor was now on his way to see his brother though his brother never left New York maybe not a happy ending but a very funny ending.
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