Show Me Yours (2004–2005)
The Best Show on Television
25 August 2006
Let me tell you something about myself: I am a very picky person when it comes to shows. I like things to be funny, but intelligent. That is why I love Show Me Yours. Not only does it make me laugh hysterically, but I am in shock with how closely it hits home with relationships and situations (whether it be fantasy or reality-related).

As for her relationship with David and Ben, I think many women can relate to Kate as being someone who they already are or who they wish to be. As for the 4 year relationship conversation in Season Two (I can't be more specific or else I'll spoil it for someone), I also can relate to Kate.

Please, if I'm lucky enough to have a producer or someone who makes the decision to create a 3rd episode, women and men (yes!) NEED a show this truthful and witty and intelligent on TV. My, um, very close ex-boyfriend watches the show with me. So yes, this show interests males, too! If there is any type of petition to sign or headquarters to go to in order to keep this show on air, let me know and I will sign it/go there/do anything.
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