The worst Friday the 13th sequel
21 August 2006
Movie has a bunch of brainless high school kids taking a cruise ship to New York from Crystal Lake. (According to this one Crystal LAKE is magically attached to the ocean). Jason is revived (again) gets on the ship and starts slashing away. For some reason he's drawn to Rennie (Jensen Daggett) and starts having flashbacks of drowning as a child (???).

Pretty desperate. The original theme music is never used--they throw in some generic rock songs instead; there's a crew member on the ship who inexplicably knows they're all doomed (like Crazy Ralph from parts 1 and 2); most of the killings take place on the ship--only the last 35 minutes are in NY; Jason again shows his amazing teleportation tricks; most of the killings are bloodless or take place off screen (thanks to the MPAA which really went after this one); the makeup on Jason at the end is laughable; it's far too long (100 minutes) and has some of the worst acting too (Scott Reeves is drop dead handsome but has zero acting ability). Also, according to this film, New York City washes all its sewers with TOXIC WASTE every night at midnight!!! The director said he tried to add humor to the film but it fails miserably. The only amusing part is Jason's reaction in NYC to a billboard with a large goalie's mask on it. Also ditching the original theme music was a stupid idea. This one was the last distributed by Paramount. It was (understandably) a bomb--even F:13 fans consider this the nadir of the series. Not worth your time. I give this a 1.
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