One of the Best Movie Going Experiences of My Life!
18 August 2006
First of all I want to say that this movie had great promotions. When I got that call from Samuel L. Jackson on Tuesday you better believe I was excited, and even though this was the movie that I had been anticipating all summer, I knew at that moment I had to be in that theater on opening night! Also I don't know if any of you have visited the official website but seeing the music video and some links such as Snakes on a Kindergarden caused me to squeal with joy.

This is a must see for this summer! I'm just going to warn you that when you go to the theater you might want to wear plenty of support or else suffer the consequences of getting your balls totally blown off! Seriously, this movie is that good! The action sequences are bad ass! I found myself giving out high fives through out the movie. There were no slow moments. The CG was pretty amazing. Some of the best 3-D snakes that I have seen in movies. The shots of the plane flying are also done pretty good. And when Jackson delivered his most awesome line Snakes flew throughout the theater!

Also the types of snake bites in this movie are amazing!

I hope that this movie surpasses Titanic!
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