Review of Brothers

Brothers (II) (2000)
one of the worst films i have ever seen
15 August 2006
we also bought this film because of the "more topless sun-lovers than a page 3 conference" and the Gary Lineker lookalike on the back cover of the case. the film cost us a mere £2 from the pre-owned 'bin' at blockbuster (i now know why its called a bin)and we returned it for our £2. the film is just awful. heres what happens. some guys go on holiday, they get drunk, one meets a girl, one gets arrested, one discovers he's gay, they go home. seriously after reading that you might as well have watched the film. there is no firm story line and the characters are all crap.

anybody who is considering to set aside a night to watch this film, i recommend you have a back-up film ready because this is just unwatchable.

This film definitely has potential as a learning aid for budding film makers, lesson 1 don't make your film like this.

the only thing i liekd about it was the fact that dom from hollyoaks was one of the 600 producers for the film
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