World Trade Center left me with Mixed Emotions
14 August 2006
My husband and I just saw WTC last night (we are both 26) and I didn't really want to go watch this Movie but it was WTC or Pulse...Through out the Movie I caught myself looking around the theater to see how others were reacting to the Movie, not quite sure why, I was into the Movie and the Characters..especially the 2 men trapped and their families. But during the whole Movie I found myself thinking about all the other people who died that day and what has happened since. The scenes from the Movie really make you re-live that day. I haven't seen Flight 93 or watched any other Movie, etc. related to 9/11 and now I know why. I respect the Story being told but it just made me think about how our World is today and worry about what to expect in the future........even more than I did.
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