Review of House

House (1985)
Purty dreadful
13 August 2006
Really nice looking Victorian house. Everything else sucks ('cept maybe the neighbor in the bathing suit when she is walking away from the camera).

It was one of these movies where after a half hour you know you should tune away for something more uplifting, like maybe to CNN to see the world coming apart, but you've already invested that half hour... and you have this perverse need to see how the main plot hook (the guy's son disappeared some time ago, causing his marriage to fail, etc.) gets resolved, so you hang in there. Don't do it. The ending is a total joke and the in between ain't any better.

Maybe the movie wouldn't have been so bad if George Wendt had been given the lead. He was terrific in Cheers, but doesn't have any range at all. That would not have been a problem if he had starred here (instead of playing the buttinsky neighbor). Evidently, solid acting was not a requirement for House's casting director. More likely, the problem (aside from the director) was $ and re-shooting scenes probably not an option. Then again, maybe they thought they were doin' pretty good.

OTOH, this flick might have been better if made by a bunch of teenagers in Podunk, Minnesota using their parent's video equipment. The "effects" could hardly have been worse (rubber monster masks and tattered garments). The attack by the closeted rod puppet monster was too much to bear.

I realize this is a spoof, but it simply wasn't worth the time. During the breaks, I was amazed to see the station promoting the running of House 2. Blew me away to think of them making a sequel. Later, I find out there were 3 or 4 made! Holy rubber monster!
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