Savage Planet (2007 TV Movie)
if you loved the creeping terror, this is a movie for you-and only you.
13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let's all admit that the Saturday night movies on Sci-Fi are pretty bad. But sometimes bad is good, and this is one of those times. We start off with explorers on a strange planet, see an arm hacked off, see it grow back, see a bear.

Back to earth-it's unlivable, all of the current doom forecasts realized. You can't breathe without an air mask, riots in third world countries, and the whole earth apparently under the thumb of the major corporations. The largest of these funds a second expedition to this strange planet to gather oxygen. There's lots of science talk, a basic introduction to the characters, only two actors whom I recognized, and we're off.

After arriving on the planet, and one unfortunate mishap, they are off only to be picked off one by one by genetically mutated bears ?? who, sometimes can be shot and killed, and sometimes not. At one point they appeared to be on a treadmill, always coming toward them, but never getting any closer.

There is the usual good idea to stay together as the people getting picked off are generally alone. So the hero tells everyone the in order to survive "we have to stick together"-then he promptly tell one of them to go off and gather firewood. Well, we know who's next, don't we.

The only truly poignant scene is the one where pretty female doctor and manly soldier are starting to fall in love. She falls down a hill, suffers internal damage and is laying unconscious, blood fairly flowing from her lips. At this point he smiles down at her and says "you still owe me a dinner".

I say keep'em coming Sci Fi channel. And thanks for a good time.
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