Excellent TV series adaptation deserving release on DVD.
12 August 2006
This was a fantastic series which captured the era (1957 - 1973) perfectly. Adapted from the three novels by Stan Barstow, "A Kind of Loving", "The Watchers on the Shore" and "The Right True End" this series was faithful to the books written. Excellent performances throughout from Clive Wood who played the central character Vic Brown and who appeared in every single scene in the 10 hour series, Joanne Whalley, (in her breakthrough role) as Vic's first wife Ingrid and Susan Penhaligan as Vic's true love.

The story charts the life of Vic Brown, the son of a miner from a small Yorkshire mining town, from the age of 20 in 1957 through to 1973 and centers around his desire to break free of the society and life his family expects him to lead.

This series more than many others deserves to be released on DVD and it is a crime that this has not yet happened. Please put this wrong right!
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