Slooooowwww....... but worth the investment of your time
12 August 2006
Not bad at all. The first half is taken up with a lot of scene setting, but the second half is busy busy busy. Madsen is even more taciturn than usual, ambling menacingly through the film in a sharp pair of shades and some great lines.

I admit it doesn't sound promising; two Postal Inspectors are hardly going to turn out to be the most action-packed duo since Crockett and Tubbs (even Madsen's character chuckles when he hears 'The Postal Inspectors' are after him), but they carry it off.

There's also lots of interesting and worrying detail on just how easy it seems to be to rack up a few dodgy credit cards and live your life as several people. As a previous poster said - buy a shredder.

And don't smirk if ever someone pulls a badge on you and shouts "Halt - we're the Postal Inspectors". Taunt them at your peril - they've got a huge pile of Form 154B's which they're itching to issue you....
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