Review of Next

Next (I) (2005– )
The End of the World As We Know it
8 August 2006
The lovely thing about TV now, is that you can watch several programs within a certain time period by just scanning. I happened to scan to MTV and catch an episode recently.

This show is the worst show ever for young people. Whoever thought this was a great idea, must hate young adults and have had extremely troubled childhoods.

Life is not the best, we all know that. We are all not perfect and love does not follow Disney story books. But as you are maturing in this world, trying to find out who you are and gather up enough self esteem to be productive and loved in this world, a bunch of people in production like this comes along to make you feel even more like crap. No wonder young adults these days are much worse with their esteem than previous generations. They're shown they are crap and just feel that they, and everyone else is (or should be) crap too.

Five young adults are placed in a bus and each come out one by one to meet someone who chooses them for a date. It's a cattle call, and these young adults are treated exactly like cattle -- round them up, move them out, cut them up, package them, display the cuts under nice lights, and let the consumers buy.

Not only that, they are sitting in this bus left to throw a whole host of mental, physical, and racial slurs at each other for being accepted or rejected by someone who is choosing them -- basically on looks alone as they get out of said bus.

This is NOT the show for young people to look at themelves, feel good about themselves, advance themselves or most importantly -- entertain themselves. Who's wanta watch THIS, and then feel good about themselves afterward!???! The episode I watched was 5 young ladies arrived on a bus. They went out one by one, looking like candidates applying for the "Mustang Ranch" -- deliberately trying to flop out their breasts or pull down their pants to show pelvic bone, tattoos or whatever else jumps at you --to look appealing to some stranger guy who ... as they were walking to them, yelled "Next" before they got there, or "Next" as soon as he got a "closer look at them", or "next" after he put them through some juvenile ridiculous challenge.

For every minute the girl lasts, she got a buck. One dollar. (I cannot tell you how upset I am over the connotation of that!) On this particular episode, one little beach type vacant minded blonde lasted 15 minutes or so, and her choice was $15 dollars or another date with him. Both were as equally degrading to me.

On the bus, the women talked about each other, or kissed with each other (of course, one contestant wanted to go out and see him due to the fact that she was "horny" and the other girl who had seen him said "Don't worry, I'll take care of you".) Oh my goodness, gracious me! I am so disappointed in MTV to have chosen a production like this (FYI - "Flavor of Love" on its sister station VH-1 was my worst program until I saw this!)The President of this network needs to be fired, and placed out in a town square for folks to stone, that's how strongly I feel about this.

Music television (MTV) was ground breaking with music videos, cutting edge animation and led the way in young adult reality programing sch as "The Real World". In the past 10 years, it has ALL been flushed down the toilet, and if this is one of those influencer for young adults, MTV and all executives attached should be ashamed - either that or move over to the SPICE on demand network.

Shame on you all for choosing this for your network.
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