Beware: Exploding ninja ahead!
8 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Wallace Chan eh? - Pull the other one, this is in fact directed by everyone's favourite cinematic crook, our old friend Godfrey Ho hiding beneath yet another of his seemingly limitless pseudonyms!

And with our man Ho in the directors chair you know exactly what to expect here.....yes it's yet another cut and splice craptastic ninja outing featuring western actors edited into a completely non related Asian flick with predictably bewildering results.

The plot concerns a criminal organisation headed by a group of ninja who are trading in human organs harvested from, shall we say politely, 'unwilling donors' (they're actually kidnapped and surgically robbed of their innards!) Getting wind of this dubious enterprise Interpol are understandably quick to send in some of their agents to put a stop to this somewhat grisly affair.

As it happens, at the start of the movie a number of the 'donors' decide to stage a riot at their less than sanitary and humane conditions (oh and the minor fact that they also get wind of their intended fate!) A lucky few manage to break out of the compound in which they are being held (which amounts to a corrugated tin shed!) and flee with the guards (and the newly edited in ninja boss) in hot pursuit. The rest of the films running time pans between our intrepid escapees lives on the run from their captors who's sole intent now is to eliminate them and the newer Interpol/ninja storyline.

Amazingly (and against all statistical probability!) our main hero (played by Muay Thai specialist Paulo Torca) has an additional personal feud with the head evil ninja responsible for the organs scam, after it is revealed (via a decidedly shoddy flashback sequence) that he murdered our hero's master years previously - yes you've guessed it, our hero also just happens to be a ninja!

Along the way, our hero's thirst for revenge is made even stronger when the evil ninja seriously injures his partner and later on, brutally murders his girlfriend......what a thoroughly unpleasant fellow eh?!

Anyway, to cut a long story short, the two ninja meet up at the films climax for a good old fashioned showdown. And what a showdown it proves to be! Tip: When dispatching a ninja, be sure to stand well back as they are ostensibly highly explosive!

What can I say? Hilarious and atrocious over acting, horrible dubbing and a typically baffling story all combine to make this yet another Z-grade classic from the incomparable Godfrey Ho. For fellow fans of bad movies, a definite must see!
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