Tales from the Crypt: King of the Road (1992)
Season 4, Episode 9
Young punk vs. old racing legend. It's King of the Road!
7 August 2006
Several years ago when I first saw this episode of "Tales From The Crypt" I felt after the viewing this was one of the better ones. At the time I didn't get HBO, but my aunt did and she had recorded this episode off of HBO on VHS tape. When viewing this I knew that Brad Pitt was about at the time to become an up and coming star, this is one of his earliest roles before his movie stardom. So for all of you Pitt fans, and history buffs watch this episode to see Brad Pitt at his wicked best! In "King of the Road", Pitt plays a young cocky punk drag racer, who thinks he's all it, and combined with a lethal wicked nasty attitude makes him a guy not to mess with. But never fear, he finds his match when he tries to goad a cop and a former old-timer racing legend (Raymond J. Barry) into a drag race. This challenge turns out to be not only just for pride nor bragging rights, but for human life! Also this competition is for the cop's daughter's life who has been kidnapped! Let me say Michelle Bronson is good and sexy as a damsel in distress! I wonder why Michelle Bronson didn't get anymore work in Hollywood, because she's very sexy and beautiful I would like to see her again. Well in the end the young punk learns his lesson in the drag race as a legend with wit, and determination always outsmarts risky danger. Remember the good can die young! In my opinion this is one of the best crypt episodes ever, and a must see for Brad Pitt fans, one of his youngest and earliest roles too.
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