Review of Severance

Severance (2006)
An Absolutely Brilliant Blend of Humour and Suspense!
6 August 2006
Firstly, yes, it's a "slasher" movie by definition: people meet horrific ends through discomforting means. But unlike slasher movies with sophomoric scripts, this one get points for smart dialogue, strong political perspective and a high humor quotient.

Some, upon hearing the title "Severance," will think it a reference to loosing ones job. Upon hearing it's a slasher film, one might think the reference cuts more towards Marie Antoinette. Both are borne out, yet the title's other reference which comes quietly but cleverly to light at the conclusion is somberly delightful.

For the squeamish, give this one a miss - you won't make it past the first bit of nastiness. For those who are a little braver, but wouldn't usually attend a film in which most of the cast is guaranteed to wind up sprung from this mortal coil, do give this one a go. You'll be pleasantly surprised!
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