Great Movie...
4 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Movie Network is a wonderful thing. I don't think I ever would have bothered re-watching this movie. Don't get me wrong, The Incredibles is a fantastic film, but I'm not sure I would have gone that extra mile and rented it again. But there it was, on the Movie Network. So, given the easy access, I decided to give it another go.

I enjoyed the Incredibles the first time I watched it, on the recommendation of a friend with a kid. I had heard good things in the press, anyway.

I gotta say, I enjoyed it this time around as well. Pixar really has the whole animation game down pat. the look and feel of this movie is spot on, cartoony, but as slick as hell...

The story might not have any real surprises, but the premise is fun, and the idea of suing a superhero for doing their job had me laughing out loud as I thought about it. A fine reflection on the litigiousness of our society...the storyline about the celebration of mediocrity was spot on as well, I thought.

Jason Lee is always a treat, and the rest of the voices, especially that of Helen Hunter, are fantastic as well.

4 outta 5.
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