Diplomaniacs (1933)
Probably the best Wheeler & Woolsey film
31 July 2006
Not that I've seen them all, but considering the sorry comic quality of the many W&W films that I have seen, I'm personally delighted with this one and consider it their best. And most likely the scripting from Mankiewicz and Myers is the reason. They'd written the wacky insanity known as "Million Dollar Legs" (W.C. Fields) just before and kept up the same level of lunacy when they put this one together. A good thing because the loopy script provides W & W with plenty of funny moments removed from their usual stale vaudeville banter. The story itself is, like 'Million Dollar Legs,' almost indescribable. It's basically W&W as barbers on an Indian reservation(!) who end up going to the Geneva peace conference on behalf of the Indian tribe, with all manner of insane nonsense happening along the way. This nonsense includes: an Indian who speaks with an Oxford accent; arrows that fly in and out of the action from nowhere; a valet who exits out of a porthole instead of the door; Hugh Herbert playing a Chinese conspirator(!); people speaking and singing in pig Latin; Woolsey kissing a woman who swallows his smoking cigar; Edgar Kennedy playing the leader at the peace conference but wielding a tommygun; and a bomb exploding that transforms the cast into black-faced minstrels. Compared to their usual routinely handled and written comedies, this one is from another planet. It's a welcome place, and full of laughs.
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