Sleazy, trashy, and stupid. Not necessarily in that order.
29 July 2006
Definitely the worst movie I've seen in recent memory, a late night rental by one of my roommates that I had the misfortune of having to sit through. The story is of a young woman brought home to a sprawling mansion in the country in order to meet her fiancé's strange family, and from that commences intrigue, murder, horror, and acting on par with the average ventriloquist's dummy.

The film tries very hard to be scary but instead falls short of even being campy. Every twist is utterly predictable and the attempts to shock us with gore just fall flat. The cast all seem uniformly embarrassed to be part of such a sleazy production and you as they deadpan their way through dialogue of a quality usually reserved for 70s porno films you can almost read their thoughts : "Is it still too late to back out of this one? Can I have possibly have my name struck from the credits? Wait a minute, what am I worried about, no one is even going to watch this garbage anyway."

The gratuitous nudity (which is about the only thing worth watching) and over-the-top murders lend the flick a very trashy quality reminiscent of B-grade exploitation films of ages past, or just a very bad "Tales from the Crypt" episode in ages slightly less past. The ending is equal parts predictable, depressing, offensive, and absurd, leaving a bad taste in your mouth on every possible level.
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