Return to Earth (1976 TV Movie)
30 years later and I still have not found this movie
26 July 2006
I watched this movie originally in 1976 when it first appeared on network television and found it very interesting. I went on to read Mr. Aldrin's book on which it was based. I feel Buzz Aldrin was and still is a man of courage for stepping up and addressing so many of the emotional issues he was challenged by at that time. I was only about 19 at that time but was impressed that so many people hold heroes to impossible ideals and standards without considering what so many may be going through emotionally or the price they paid to get there. I dealt with different emotional issues at that time but they were very, very real to me then and altered so many of my plans for my future. I did have to seek help later and then moved on from there. I talk to my children (Nathan and Ryann) about different forms of mental challenges (depression, anxiety, tension) and want to make sure I can guide then through so much of this. Buzz, like myself, was hit full in the face and had no idea of what he was going through until he got the right help. I feel that this is a difficult subject matter, but is important to work with on for so many people who suffer without feeling there is help available. Please watch this movie and learn from it.
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