Dark Water (2002)
Simple, suspenseful, and engaging.
17 July 2006
Yoshimi (Hitomi Kuroki) is an out of work, divorced proof-reader embroiled in a custody battle with her ex-husband for their six year old daughter Ikuko (Rio Kanno). Eager to demonstrate she can take care of herself and her daughter, despite past mental health problems, she gains new employment and moves into a far from ideal, but cheap, apartment and deigns to settle in.

These plans are in jeopardy when the apartment appears to be not all as it seems. Strange damp patches begin appearing on the ceiling, a child's bag keeps appearing inexplicably, there appears to be no other tenants in the building and the people in charge have no regard for Yoshimi's complaints regarding repair. Even the tap water in the apartment is strange, and contains oddities that revolts. Ikuko begins to act strangely, and the custody battle is put into further danger when she begins disappearing at strange hours and plays with an imaginary friend.

Without giving too much away, there's some genuinely creepy moments contained in this film. The pattering of feet in the apartment above and quick flashes of an unexplained presence should give a hint that there's no blood and guts contained in this film - and it's all the better for it. The score puts you on the edge of your seat and there's an overwhelming sense of evil and malevolence, however I can't stress enough that there's no real evil in this film. Everything is explained, perhaps explained too much - there was no need for a 'ten years later' epilogue but perhaps this was an aim to redress the balance of despair. You'll either laugh or cry at the climax, but it won't disappoint.

Although Dark Water contains some plot filler - obviously written in to pad out the original short novel - the sub-plots give a distinctly human feel to the film, despite the very un-human presence that threatens to ruin both Yoshimi and Ikuko's lives. I haven't seen the 2005 re-make and don't intend to, this version is more than enough.
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