remember this from childhood
16 July 2006
While I admit that I have not seen this movie since My early teens, it is one of those movies that has stuck with me over the years. I can seriously point to this as an influential movie, not because of the cheesy 70's soundtrack, but because of the spiritual aspect that at least one other reviewer noted. There was something there that caught my attention, and that is saying something.

I don't remember much about the movie, other than the master teaching the young boy about how to sense the target he was shooting at and use his mind not his eyes (sort of proto-Jedi). I also remember that the golden gun had seven bullets, not six, and that that was a key factor, but not why it was so important.

Never the less, it left an impression that I hold to to this day. I hope to find it someday. I would like to see it again, even if it was as hokey as others claim it to be.
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