This "show" is like a 30 minute belch
14 July 2006
This "show" is so bad it should be exempted from the Geneva Convention. The "writing" (everything actually seems to be improvised by brain-damaged chimps on the fly) is horrible, every single character is astoundingly unpleasant and the sets suck. The "plots" seem to be the result of a contest of which writer/cast member can dredge up the most witless and tasteless idea. The show is like a 30 minute belch. If anyone were looking for proof of the dumbing down of America and the total lack of standards or even a basic sense of humor remaining in our fair land, they need go no further than this miserable piece of road kill.

I understand that the "creators" invested about $200 in the show. It looks it. Try breaking out the Visa card occasionally.
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