Quick Fun
14 July 2006
An amusing runaway-heiress-and-newspaperman comedy (think IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT without Capra, Riskin, great actors or Harry Cohn), this second feature times in at pretty close to an hour and seems to be all right. Perpetual lunk Gordon Jones is fine as the eccentric newspaper photographer, but Betty Furness can't speak her overwritten lines with any conviction. Indeed, the entire movie seems a bit overwritten, possibly to give the leads some interesting characters they couldn't manage on their own. Witticisms such as "I know a good seven letter word for good-bye: GOODBYE" abound.

As usual, the fun in these movies is supplied by the supporting cast, including Henry Kolker, Franklin Pangborn and E.E. Clive. It will give you something to do while the plot is lumbering along its inevitable course.
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