Dirty Filthy Love (2004 TV Movie)
Unusual film about OCD
7 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I realize this is undoubtedly considered a very worthwhile film dealing with a rarely discussed subject, but after about 30 minutes of the same thing, I just got bored. Sorry.

It is not a long film, about an hour and 30 minutes, but an hour of this is plenty, unless a person has some reason for being interested in the subject of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The main character in this film is Mark Furness, a young man whose life is being ruined by OCD and Tourette's Syndrome. His wife has left him, even though they love each other, and he's been let go from his promising career with an architectural firm.

He has a severe case of this disorder - head jerks, barking, throat clearing, grunting, difficulty sitting down, difficulty going up a flight of stairs, and in addition to this, the Tourette's causes him to blurt out inappropriate words.

One of my problems watching this film was the fact Michael Sheen who plays Mark Furness, (and he does an excellent job), was so darn hard to look at--I don't mean because of his disorder. I mean because he's a very homely young man. He has an odd shaped nose, and I don't know if he was wearing lipstick or not - but his lips were way too rosy pink.

Mark meets a woman, Charlotte, who is also a victim of OCD, who is running a self-help group. Quite frankly, I simply did not find her a likable person, which added to my not caring much for this film.

Charlotte seems interested in Mark, who is still hung up on his wife. Her obsession is that she can't deal with odd numbers.

One of Charlotte's ideas for the group to help themselves is for all of them to go out to a farm, kneel in the muck and place their hands in it for five minutes. I never understood how that could help them beyond the fact they were forcing themselves to do something unpleasant--but maybe that was whole idea.

While I have great sympathy for these people, after an hour I just didn't want to see any more of it.
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