5 July 2006
It appears that Bryan Singer has worked his movie magic yet again, but this time on a completely astonishing approach. he left the X-Men saga to direct a masterpiece on one of the greatest super-heroes of our time, Super-Man.

The beginning left me alittle unsure, but towards the end of the beginning, i could tell this movie would surely top it all. Brandon Routh tosses us a curve-ball with glorious acting skills and amazing portrayal of the Man of Steel.

Kevin Spacey shows us a dark, fiendish Lex Luthor, out to get revenge on Super-Man. and by the gods, he does magnificently. He makes us fear a true super-villain, unlike the works of films like Spider-Man and HULK. This, in my humble opinion, is the greatest super-hero movie ever. heck, ever my MOM cried during the film. i was touched by this masterpiece, as should others by this latest installment to the Bryan Singer saga of films. I hope that this film will one day make the top 250, and that you will all realize even the most unlikely of films can move more people than Harold & Maude(lol)
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