Review of The Inn

The Inn (2004)
A movie maker who is definitely going to "happen"
5 July 2006
The world premiere screening of THE INN was a memorable event. Pepi Singh Khara is clearly a genius on the way to the very big time as a world class movie producer.

There was quite a large turnout of people (not just VIPs, friends, paparazzi, reporters and movie industry people) for his premiere at the Tivoli Theatre. THE INN (2004 Frederick Films) is Pepi's second movie, following FAR FROM India (2002 Frederick Films). Pepi's skill as a cinematographer who moves his camera like a ballet star helped THE INN's success, and so did his casting of Baltimore Raven's former football cheerleader Kelly Sue Roth, who does a steamy, full undress bedroom love scene in the movie which made the audience gasp with delight.

Pepi didn't light the faces of his actors well but neither do lots of other independent film producers (see recent reviews I've written of indie movies which opened recently). Maybe indie movie producers have some sort of unwritten agreement to AVOID the classic cinematographer's use of a "Key Light" and a "Fill Light" when actor close ups occur. I dunno. But I like lit faces. So minus 1 point of my rating for that! But what do I know, because...

The audience loved the movie, regardless of the lack of lit faces for the actors.

It's only Pepi's second movie, and coming ones he plans will get better and better. Maybe he'll even use Key Lights and Fill Lights for actor closeups. I hope so.

Meanwhile, look at the (incredible) job Pepi did and does in selling his movies and getting big movie-house audiences and placement of his movies on cable TV and in Film Festivals. Check out his movie preview and look at its polish and wonderful detail and no wonder people go see his films.

The result of Pepi's job selling his movie opening was that the lower level was filled (about 700 people). The audience sat happy and attentive through the entire screening, and walked out smiling.

Film buffs pay attention to Pepi Singh Khara! And get to know his work! He's a movie maker who is definitely going to "happen" (nationally and probably internationally).

Remember how Samuel Goldfish, the glove salesman who became Samuel Goldwyn, the movie mogul? Well, Pepi Singh Khara is headed in the same direction!
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