Watch it for Anden
30 June 2006
I watched this a while back... and the only thing that really stuck out was the performance of my favorite comedian, Anders "Anden" Matthesen. He's usually good, occasionally great... and in this performance, he's astounding. This is, simply put, some of his best work to date. It's really too bad that it's surrounded by all the others. I mean, Tingleff has the occasional funny joke(and the (very) rare hilarious one), but he more often than not comes across as a cheap knock-off of Anden, with his aggressive(yet somehow eerily quiet and soft-spoken) style. Eskelund has some humor, and his hosting is worth watching... he has a fair-to-good ratio of laughs to the time he spends on stage. His jabs at Danish sayings are amusing, though nowhere near as entertaining as those of Anden. Øgendahl, I don't know... I once considered him funny, but I've come to realize that his performance is always limited to manic ranting and an overuse of "comic" facial expressions. No matter what he plays or where he appears. Klan is introduced as a "stand-up performer *and* magician!" I don't "get" magic tricks. I believe I was somewhat fascinated by the practice of it as a (very) young child, but I have since come to hate it. It's showy, it's daft and *every* single audience member over the age of 7 with an IQ higher than their age knows that it's fake. Sure, the same could be said about certain Hollywood movies, but I don't believe I go around tooting the horn of them, either. More to the point, I simply don't think it belongs on a scene of stand-up. It doesn't help that the man doesn't seem to be able to go more than a few seconds without screaming "sausage". Geo, well, he's just plain weird. Some would call him a psychopath. I am one of them. I didn't laugh once during neither his nor Klan's performance. But turning back to my starting point... Anden is just magnificent in this. His aggression in high gear, he drills through ridiculous occurrences, facts and people with the intensity of a heavy machine-gun. He talks about girls(as usual, his favorite topic), Swedes, and covers many, many things he hates or hates certain aspects of. The only negative I can say of his part of the show is that you can only experience it for the first time once. To Anden, I give a 9... or possibly even a 10. Had this been the first time I saw it, it would probably have been a perfect rating. The fact that the others are, well, less than amazing, brings it down... but only one rating. I recommend this to fans of stand-up comedy, definitely fans of Anden and also fans of the other comedians. I'm sure many of you will find the others funnier than I did. 8/10
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