Superman Returns and it's good to have him back
28 June 2006
I just got back from a Wednesday afternoon showing, and have to say I'm relieved. Having seen (and loved) the first two Superman movies, and having suffered through the third and fourth, this should definitely be grouped with the first two. While it's not equal to Donner's classic, it's close in quality to Superman II.

The key to this film's success is the characters. The effects are great, the story is acceptable, but the emotion between Superman, Louis, Lex Luthor, and all is what makes the movie. Singer and Routh do a great job of depicting a being who is pretty much invulnerable physically, who could take whatever he wanted if he chose to, but instead suffers his broken heart with quiet dignity.

Action sequences are top notch, and epic all the way. The humor is there (I would have liked a bit more), the dialogue is there (it always is in a Brian Singer production - see "House" on Fox). The pace was a little off from my perspective - it seemed just a little slow.

I recommend Superman Returns. It's not a classic, but it is definitely worthy. I can't wait until the next one. Brainiac? Metallo? Maybe Gilbert Godfried as Mr. Mxyzptlk? After this, I'm looking forward to it.
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