Blue Demon (2004 Video)
The best genetically altered, anti-terrorist, midget staring, radio controlled killer shark film ever. Period.
27 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Blue Demon tells the tale of six genetically altered super aggressive sharks, genetically altered by the husband & wife scientific duo of Nathan (Randall Batinkoff) & Martha Collins (Dedee Pfeiffer) together with their assistant Avery (Josh Hammond), the purpose of these sharks are seen as a weapon to defend the U.S. Nathan & Martha's boss Van Allen (Danny Woodburn) intends to sell this fantastic shark to the military & sets a meeting up with General Remora (Jeff Fahey). Unfortunately when the big moment arrives & the sharks need to do their thing it appears that they have escaped their underwater enclosure, scary eh? Nathan & Martha desperately do all they can to try & locate the killer sharks before they reach public water & start eating their way through the local Californian population, while Nathan & Martha realise what a danger their creations pose to the public there are other's who don't share their caring attitude & want to cover the problem up & get the sharks back...

Co-written, produced & directed by Daniel Grodnik Blue Demon is an awful film make no mistake about it. The script by Grodnik, Lisa Morton, Ron Oliver & Brett Thompson is meant to be a horror, sci-fi, action mix but fails miserably in it's attempts & comes across far more like a comedy as there is plenty to laugh at. Anybody with half a brain will spot the flaws in logic & sense while anyone familiar with the horror genre will spot all the clichés & stolen ideas from Jaws (1975) to Deeep Blue Sea (1999) both of which are far superior to this piece of crap. From the fact that these genetic experiments on sharks seem to be completely useless to the ridiculous notion that a shark can carry a nuclear device in it's mouth, this is really bad & poorly thought out. The ending sucks as a nuclear explosion would wipe half the coast away & the you can see the so-called twist coming a mile off. Blue Demon also features one of the most unintentionally hilarious scenes ever, at the end Martha uses a round life saver to capture the bad guy. She throws it & it lands over him & for some bizarre reason he drops his gun & is completely defeated, you have to see the scene in question to know just how funny it is. There is also a funny bit on a beach after one of these sharks has attacked, just look at everyone's reactions & facial expressions, absolutely hilarious.

Director Grodnik doesn't do anything to help matters & Blue Demon is dull to watch. There's no excitement, tension, atmosphere or scares. There is no reason to watch this film at all, it's as simple & straight forward as that. The special effects are absolutely awful, the CGI sharks are hilarious in themselves but it doesn't stop there. No, once in a while we get to see the sharks fin above water which is obviously a rubber prop which moves along at about 1 mile an hour, my Gran could probably swim faster than these guys! Very, very funny to watch. Forget about any gore either, there's a severed arm & that's it. Nowhere near enough people get eaten or attacked.

Apparently shot in about two & a half weeks I'm surprised it took them that long, Blue Demon is a poorly made, poorly thought out film that has nothing going for it. The music has that familiar Jaws sound to it. Then there's the cast, why cast a midget? Having said that the female cast members are very easy on the eye, which helps things. Fahey obviously needed money badly.

Blue Demon is a really bad film that does a passable job as a comedy but comes nowhere near as a horror or action film. This is definitely one to avoid, watch Jaws again instead. I'll give it a couple of stars because there's a few good looking babes in it & it's funny on occasion but that's by no means any kind of recommendation.
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