Review of Click

Click (2006)
Fantastic in so many ways...
26 June 2006
This is a movie that is unlike any other Adam Sandler movie you will ever see. Not only is it funny, but it is something to learn from. This movie, unlike many of Sandler's, delivers a powerful message about loving the simpler things in life. The movie starts off a bit slow, but quickly picks up once you get into it. The movie is very funny, most of the situations and jokes you can very easily laugh at. Towards the end you start to see what skipping the bad things in life can really make you miss. The movie will make people realize that the bad times are worth living through because good times lie ahead. If you don't pay attention to the little things you love in life, like a daughter, or a son, or a beautiful wife, things some people take for granted, you may lose them. It makes you understand that so many people don't realize what they have until it's gone and "Click" drove this message into your head with it's almost tragic ending.

As for performances, as always, Beckensale is stunning, and delivers a good performance for the given character. Every age of son/daughter of Sandler's character Newman gives a good performance (especially his son at an older age). Walken is a little bit creepy, I've never found him to be too good of an actor, but I suppose he plays the part well. As for Sandler, surprisingly, his performance was the best in the movie, along with the Fonz...This is Sandler's best performance (along with Punch Drunk Love). He comes at the audience surprisingly, delivering the goods in his comedic, and stunningly heart-wrenching performance in "Click".

See this movie, you will be changed.

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