Atmospheric, at times humorous and generally spooky
20 June 2006
Although this movie isn't totally one-of-a-kind, it's one of my favorites among the Hong Kong horror genre. Most of this is attributed to its atmospheric style. It has enough similarities with a run-of-the-mill HK horror movie, which makes it easy to watch. You'll probably find the humour sprinkled along the scares in this movie doesn't tone it down, but rather balances it. It also offers a few twists to the genre. For example the primary venue used may not be what you expect : ). As far as characters go, they are all quite evenly developed, though not splendidly. HK horror in general often has that one guru/mentor and this one is no exception. It also helps that the climax is very nicely built up, suitably and satisfying finished off with a thrilling and spooky ending... accompanied by a track that you are likely to remember for the rest of your life, in the back of your mind...
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