The Story Behind this Movie!
18 June 2006
hey folks, this is the movie's director writing you directly from Tinseltown.. wanted to give a bit of a background on this most unusual, colorful, avante-garde movie collage. first of all, I'm an actress. I'd been wanting to document my grandmother Sylvia's Holocaust stories for some time.. but like anyone, kept getting busy with life & thought there's all the time in the world later.. (been there?) Then around New Years post 9/11, I was back East for the holidays and due to airport security at Newark, missed my flight (back then you needed to be at the airport something like 6 hours in advance it seemed) !!!!!!!! so, I missed my flight and had an extra day out in good ole' Jersey, with no plans... hey, time to shoot that archival footage on Sylvia! If only she'd cooperate... Ever try to shoot a movie with a reluctant movie star..? Anyway, this whole project started pretty innocently with a home camcorder and a recycled tape. Someone saw it and they liked it and we re-shot on a better camera and got carried away and ... 4 months and 65 hours of footage later... it was time to start editing... well, that's another story, will tell you some other time..! Hope you like the movie - we wanted to put out something that has some solid positive messages, keeping its original essence intact, while entertaining enough so it's fun to watch! The past four years with this project, it's been a huge labor of love and it's been a long and winding road, making this happen. But we have been very lucky -- lots of wonderful people appeared in our path just when they were needed, and offered their talents and expertise to fine tune the piece into a real cool final edit. Enjoy! and do post your comments (especially if they are sweet ones!)

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