Review of Proof

Proof (2005)
17 June 2006
The movie Proof was exquisite. From the first moment of the film to the end it was moving, interesting, intelligent. It was over too soon and I was so sorry I couldn't have coffee with the characters who were so real and deep and alive. Gwyneth Paltrow must be given more roles like these. She was perfect...I believe it is the best thing I have ever seen her do. Anthony Hopkins is...well...Anthony Hopkins... and IS whatever character he is playing. And is he ever not magnificent? But Gwyneth was exquisite - from the deliverance of lines to facial expressions, her slight, curled up and then bold and gutsy body language, her hair, her eyes that spoke with every line... and clothing!...give the costume designer a huge prize for being such a perfect part of this movie. Everyone was wonderful...and at the end I was glad to be different and not fit in and to be alive....I cried and laughed and will watch it again.
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