Caged Women (1991)
Women in prison is a steamy exploitation film better in parts rather as a whole. Not bad but no match for films like The Big Bird Cage
11 June 2006
A women in prison film for the low brow in us all.

Woman is sent off to prison after rebuffing the advances of a sleazy guy who kidnaps her and sends her to the mountain top prison in some third world country. There the prisoners run around damn near naked as they are abused, raped and hunted by the staff. Meanwhile, the guy who did go home with the woman the night before tries to find out where she disappeared to.

For the record I've seen this in two versions undubbed or subbed French version (this is the reason my plot summary is lacking in details) with all of the nudity, sex and violence intact and a Japanese import version in English with Japanese subtitles, shortened by 12 minutes and heavily fogged (which I shut off almost instantly because of the censoring). Given the choice I'd watch the fuller version I'm not sure what I think of this film. Its a good movie if you like these sort of things, but at the same time it seems to be be play acting and not too serious (I can't believe that the women's hair always look perfect). Its a weird feeling, it some how misses the grit and violence of say The Big Bird Cage or Caged Heat, and exists just for the titillation of the sleaze factor. I some how wanted more than just the scenes of naked women running in slow motion, soft-core bondage and trashy lesbianism. On some level its a women in prison film which wants to be something spicier, but no more offensive than the Man Shows girls on trampolines. I think I missed the strong take no crap stands of the women in the Roger Corman produced films of the early 70's.

Its not bad, but given the chance I'd probably go with the earlier films (though this does have some classic exploitation scenes including the one with the two women are thrown in a cage in the hot sun with no source of water). If you like women in prison films I'd say try it, though you'll remember the pieces more than the whole.
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