Review of Love on Tap

Love on Tap (1939)
Marriage or Sex with 14 Girls, a Choice
8 June 2006
What's entertaining about this, and things like it, is savoring the notion that the people who made it thought they could get away with it.

There are similar affronts today all over the multicinema. But with a little distance, this one is pretty bad.

It is a short to begin with. And 2/3 of it has to be dancing, so the story is as skeletal as possible, more cartoonish than your standard cartoon.

You have your ultrarich handsome, patient guy in love. You have the target of his affection, a sensitive, artistic beauty who manages (owns?) a dance troop of 14 or so dancers. When on stage, the girls are sexy in that way of elegant crotchshowing we are not supposed to notice. When with the owner, they act like children.

The story involves how the "children" get in the way of setting a wedding date, then repair the damage.

The "on tap" part is their tap dancing. They *are* pretty.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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