Old School (2003)
Fun, but we've seen it before
4 June 2006
Old School is the Animal House and Revenge of the Nerds of the new millennium, and like those movies you know pretty much what to expect. Plenty of raunchy physical comedy, bare breasts a-plenty and a dean you're meant to hate. What is supposed to set this one aside from the others, is that it's about three guys in their early thirties, who are trying to get in touch with their youth again. In some ways it does accomplish that, but to me it's just not original enough to stand alone, and thus becomes just another one in the genre. Vince Vaughn plays the same character we've seen him play in pretty much every comedy he's been in, Luke Wilson does well as the straight guy among them and Will Ferrell gets to be Will Ferrell like we know and love him. The cameos are well done, but Sean William Scott's character IS Steve Stiffler, just with a really bad haircut. It's not really a "Laugh out loud" movie, but it has it's moments, that's for sure.
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