obviously a product of "back then", but still pretty neat
31 May 2006
I have to admit that I only loosely know Tex Avery's work (namely that it was the inspiration for "The Mask"), but "The House of Tomorrow" is still a treat. A look at how people in 1949 imagined that future dwellings would be - think "The Jetsons" - there are some things that might eat at us in the 21st century, namely the fact that the cartoon envisions housewives staying home cooking and cleaning while their husbands go to work.

But, as long as we understand that this cartoon was a product of its era, we can accept it for what it is. And I think that everyone can agree about the mother-in-law; it looks like they were talking about Endora on "Bewitched". In conclusion, this cartoon will always remain a classic! And about that woman on dad's TV: meow meow...
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