Disappointingly overly-familiar debut that fails to do it's lead justice
31 May 2006
Zooey Deschanel's presence on screen is truly spellbinding as always, but unfortunately this film fails to do her justice despite a promising concept. Adam Rapp is a very good novelist, but for some reason his gift with words completely fails to come across in the stilted, contrived dialogue of this film, and his directorial ability seems to be nil. This film has no sense of flair or personality. It has no real identity and just seems like another unremarkable addition to the rapidly growing number of audience-friendly "quirky" US independent films. Although nothing about it stands out as particularly awful, something within the film just doesn't gel. The cinematography is occasionally nice, but the acting (apart from the luminous Deschanel) is pretty transparent. Never for a moment could I see these characters as people as opposed to the actors playing them. Ed Harris is just Ed Harris and Will Farrell (despite an honorable effort on his part to play down his usual persona) is still just Will Farrell. Nothing about the film stuck out as particularly bad or too overly-contrived (unlike the insufferable "Garden State") but at the same time it never manages to overcome it's own unremarkableness. Ultimately it somehow plays more like an extended trailer for itself than an actual movie.
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