The Westerner: School Days (1960)
Season 1, Episode 2
Let's Hang Somebody, Anybody
26 May 2006
Perhaps the most powerful drama of the series. Dave's desire to learn to write lands him in a mountain of trouble. Unusually strong cast lends credibility to lynch mob plot-- especially, RG Armstrong whose forceful personality and hulking presence could command a screen like no other. Just the thought of him leading a posse is enough send an audience running for cover. Also featured is that very fine actor John Anderson, an authoritative presence in his own right-- appearing here as a no-account local scum.

Can't help but notice the episode was directed by Andre de Toth, the perfect overseer for a story that emphasizes rivalry, treachery, and shifting alliances. I expect Peckinpah went out of his way to hire him for this episode, the success of which is largely due to the director's unflinchingly sardonic view of human nature. My one complaint: did they have to make the schoolmarm so sweet and pretty. She just doesn't fit.

Best line-- "Arf! Arf!", Brown's friendly comment on the passing posse, just enough to get their attention and send Dave to the hangman's noose. Thanks a lot, Brown. Also notable for apparent jape at Lassie series. Brown dives through window to save Dave, only to find the uneaten dinners on the table more inviting. Dave's response, "You better enjoy it, cause it's your last meal." Yup, man's best friend.

Particularly effective entry, with very fitting conclusion.
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