Has its moments
24 May 2006
The Nostril Picker is a crap film, whether you're a lover of trash movies or not. Yet I still feel it has enough good moments to redeem itself. The idea is unique - I've never heard of another film where a man can make himself look like a girl in order to befriend young girls. As silly as the plot is, at least its a bit different. This film could have been so much better if they had of added more gore and used better actors, as the killer is really quite pathetic. The best scene is when the male hooker goes to the police station to report that he was attacked by the nostril picker. "I demand satisfaction, now!" he says. It's hilarious watching him try to explain to the police officer that he was chased by a man holding a dildo. The gore isn't much to wet yourself over, at least not on the Vipco DVD version I watched. A girl gets her fingers chopped off (a poor mans version of the fingers scene in The Burning), the hooker gets his throat slit, and another girl is stabbed to death but all we see is blood splattering over a wire fence. The ending is quite good and actually original, which gets extra marks from me.

Overall, The Nostril Picker is quite boring at times but depending on your opinion, has a lot of good elements like the ones I've described. If you're a slasher fan I would give this a watch at least once, after all, a title like "The Nostril Picker" will have all your friends dying to know what the film is about.
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