Review of Coogan's Bluff

What a Waste
23 May 2006
Considering the talent involved, there is no excuse for a movie this bad. Great director, but did nothing worth talking about on this movie. Lalo doing the music, yet nothing memorable. Clint as a lecherous, slimy, rule-breaking deputy sheriff was PAINFUL to watch. Susan Clark has zero sex appeal and is given the most inane role to work with. I guess the bulk of the problem, however, lies with the script. The story is boring and pointless, the attempts at humor are beyond lame (good actors might have been able to make them work, but this cast fails miserably), and the majority of the characters are one-dimensional cardboard cutouts. Dreadful movie. The one bright, shining aspect of the movie, though, has got to be veteran screen legend, Lee J. Cobb. What a pleasure he is in this movie. Pay attention to the lines he has to deliver, then pay close attention to the WAY he delivers them. What sets mediocre actors apart from the great ones has much to do with interpretation of the lines. Mr. Cobb's line readings are the only interesting thing about this movie. His performance alone is the sole reason I give this movie a 3 rating. There are far superior Eastwood movies, so I would strongly suggest not wasting valuable time on this garbage. But, if it is on TV for free, then enjoy the sparkling bits of screen time Mr. Cobb provides.
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