He's in Again (1918)
surprisingly good
21 May 2006
This film stars Billy West, one of several imitators of Charlie Chaplin during the 1914-1920 era--when Chaplin was the rage and other diverse styles of silent comedy were yet to be created (with the exception, perhaps, of the films of Fatty Arbuckle). It seems that Chaplin was the be star and instead of trying to be different and funny, studios encouraged comedians to be exactly like Chaplin--down to the clothes and mannerisms. This film appears to be a Chaplin film--it's that close. Billy West looks tremendously like him but not only that, his style is pretty much the same as well. This film could have just as easily starred Chaplin and had very similar results. And, the films is better than many of Chaplin's early efforts (from 1914-1915). There are plenty of gags, decent plot development and I found myself laughing several times. I very good, though not highly original effort.
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