Childhood Memories
17 May 2006
It was around, I think late summer, early fall last year, that they were showing Reruns of this cartoon on Boomerang, and because I saw something rather familiar when I saw my sister watching it, I decided to watch too, and I couldn't believe it, a show that I used to love as a kid, a show that I had forgotten so much about after all these years, A rush of all my memory just fills my mind. I decide to watch to see if I will still like it, or if it will turn out cheesy and be one of those "I cannot believe I used to like this crap" scenarios.

I watched, and I loved. This is definitely an animated show for almost all ages to enjoy, it is not at all childish, but then again not so risqué either. It's just perfect. Sure people, or shall I say Anthropomorphic Cats are shot at, killed, beat up or blown up, its not bad for kids aged 8 and up. The Animation is well done, It may come off as one of those American shows that tries to be an anime, but it does so with honor, it's something different and I really do believe it deserves to be adapted into an animated film. I love this show, I love the Characters, and most of all, I love that kickass Turbokat fighter jet that T-Bone & Razor fly. This is not a cartoon: It's a innovative piece of animation... supirior to Thundercats, I can't believe it was not as successful!
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